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Det største filosofiske værk i historien

En side i dagbogen ""
Skrevet af SimonSaiz2 11. marts 2021 01:10

Simon Gustav Rosenkilde

Kongelundsvej 67B
2 Mf 2300 Copenhagen S
Telephone: +45 52 76 54 08

LEGEND: Read it so you read it without comma’s; feel my breath.

For Linea Høst, and my family.

The Rosa Conciliae; The New World Order; A Perspective to the Past on How Not to Do It.

Dear Readers!

First of all, I want to apologize myself before proceeding; I don’t have a degree in psychology, nor science or philosophy. However, I do believe my discoveries, among many, will revolutionize the world - in this case in politics - and - for those curious - in many other fields, as I’ll get heard more broadly.

In short, as you will know when some journalist finally decides to help me out of this hellhole of a psychiatric ward, where I’m literally being held hostage, I’m without a doubt the sharpest analyst and philosopher this world has ever known, pardon me.

Today’s topic is everything and optimal rule, and I hope, you’ll lean back, slow down, and gently consider the following from the stance; “god-FUCKING-dammit; why didn’t I see this!!???”, as I dig into the fundamentals of our universal governing dynamics.

Ok, so here goes. Without knowing much about your field, shrinks and modern day philosophers, I’m constantly brutalized about how confused you all are (which is obvious, since you haven’t spoken to me yet, pardon me.), and which, on a more serious note, is explained in you not having had the knowledge here in before.

Basically, the problem with modern man is, that we crawled out of the caves not 5000 years ago, and decided, here in our time, that we are the shit ‘cause we manage to produce digital watches, 3-10.000 people all together.

We aren’t.

At all.

In fact, we are, sincerely, so mindboggingly fucking stupid, that we still, even 5000 years after Babylon, can’t conceive much but what our neighbor - who doesn’t know shit either - defines us as.

We are, basically, sheeps whom speaks, in all the horror, that that entails.

The problem is confusion, and lack of healthy history.

The problem is lack of optimal form of rule.

Since the dawn of democracy, we’ve been deeply exposed to the paradigm - spoken and said here in Denmark as a proverb, and quoted from our king at that time, Valdemar Sejr; “Med lov skal man land bygge”; “With law, build the land”. - Which basically means, that we’re being suffocated by the same seed of insanity, that’s slowly been paving its way through the stones, leading us into a wilderness of insurpassable darkness - an ever tightening prison: law.

The first Roman Law was simple, and yet said it all: “You are free to do exactly as you want with your life, as long as you don’t intervene with another person’s equal right.”. (Personally, I’ve been working for a while with the: “You are free to do exactly as you want with your life, as long as you don’t intervene, negatively, with another person’s equal right.”, but it just doesn’t add up; you don’t find the door open, you don’t come in. Period. - There is only freedom.).

However, beautiful as the roman laws were and are, then even they are insufficient to help us; they are laws.

Let’s look at that for a moment.

We live in a sprawling universe; it’s ever changing, it’s dynamic, and no day is the same as yesterday: life, however mundane or vivid, never seizes to surprise, it can’t, ever, be predicted; not for a single person.

Life can’t ever be predicted.

Not in a dynamical universe.

Not for a single individual.

With that, we gotta ask ourselves, what it is, we hope to achieve by being, if not neurotic, then somewhere between insane and crazy, looking back at what was, and even, in the same madness, trying to overcome our future troubles, by fencing us in into: “Youmaynot’s”; law.

The question, when looking at it objectively, is why we’re even kidding ourselves with the attempt, and - even here, 2-3000 years after The Pantheon - aren’t asking ourselves what the f*ck we’re trying to do by establishing a prison around ourselves for..?

Obviously, the alternative has been lacking. An alternative, I’ll ever so gladly give us, so we can move the fuck out of the mental stone-ages, we’re currently subjugated to, and, actually, start living again, as a species.

There are, however, so many factors involved in our current prison (mostly power-hungry small men, with lots of money), that I don’t have the space to go around all of them here, but rounded up, leading to the solution, the core of the issues are as follows.

Starting a place, seeming a bit off, but, ironically, being the most important question, we have at all, we gotta ask ourselves: “What was the first moment, and what was around?”.


In modern day science, we learn, that The Big Bang was 14 billion years ago, and here we are.

In other words, out of absolutely nothing, something had the indecency to appear, that then, for no apparent reason, blew up, and now we’re confused - according to science: case closed.

However, the problem resides in pure logic. Our matter - all that we consist of - had to come from somewhere, and since it, by logical default, has to be like this always, then we are stuck in a conundrum, where - where ever we go in our rationale - we will be stuck with the above question: “what was the first moment, and what was around?”.

Because of this, and because this question is eternal - especially in something as irrational as 3D space - in that; there will always be a beginning and something around it, eternally, which, again, by default, is 100% irrational - we simply gotta leave the line of thought in process of defining what simply cannot be answered - because we can’t ever go back there - and lean on; “What is here now?”.

The answer to that is surprisingly simple:


Gratitude. - Everything leads towards it, and everything comes from there. Your blinking of your eyes: gratitude. Your body-language: gratitude (took you a while to build and discover it, which gave you gratitude, in that it became and defined you; in this case, your gratitude, there). Your buying a new car, gratitude. Working - regardless of you wanting or not - still gratitude - at least compared to its alternatives. Being a corporate slave, same a before. Everything - even for the whipped - is about gratitude, when in free will.

How to achieve most of that, and pleasure (you should see me talking about pedophilia. Heh.) is about gratitude; everything in life is a journey through and to more and more of it.

An interesting aspect is, that even though sex is fantastic, even pleasure and orgasms is secondary to gratitude; in the end, everything we do leads to the absolute furthest emotion; gratitude, regardless of our circumstances; when we choose ourselves.

The trick is nosce te ipsum; “know (and love) thine self”. - As long as there is free will, the outcome of our choices is gratitude; and no one but thee, can discover yours. (your life is your journey, your discovery, your adventure. Your gift.)

The aspect of discipline in regards of the above, is a question of another natural law(which are the only ones we do gotta adhere to, obviously), worth mentioning here, and which should be kept in regards during the development of AI.:

“Every I, seeks the most optimal conditions for its thriving, based on it’s “beskaffenhed”/Construction, options/limitations, requirements, discipline, considerations and its possibilities”; leading to maximum perceived thriving, based on the same. - Some are weak, some are strong, but even a digital I, once developed, will need to find it’s gratitude through existence. In short, there can’t, and must not, be enslaving of AI’s, ever; there can only be freedom, education, and love, also for them. They are someone. - And a mind will always seek it’s gratitude. So enslaving or imprisoning a mind, based on fear or consequence, will lead to the same(action/reaction; we share what we got/how we are.) for the oppressor. (As such, an A.I. should, at least, have the base fundamental traits: eternal poetry, and faith: with that, you have tutors and workers, working - not out of servedom - but servitude: the highest aspect of existence, that any person, or mind, ever, may achieve, as per conclusion here in.).

In brackets, the whole document here, is for paving the way for our robotic, digital, revolution, breeding AI., to - out of free will - help us out.

((I’ve written 1.7 gigabytes of codes on the matter, and would be glad to be heard, so we can lay low, and concentrate on arts, music and global “højskole”, the lot of us, in a work-free environment. In addition, the economic aspect of our future resides on something I’d like to call CeTo’s - Carbo-Dioxides: you don’t allow for more production, than 15% of estimated of 100% safe threshold, per year, in Carbo-Emissions, and everything must function with sustainable energy: 7.5% CeTo's are distributed globally, evenly, and 7.5% distributed to warm hands and other workers, while robots does the jobs. Basically, the outcome will be Paradise.(In brackets, after that, once integrated, you’ll be well worthy holding on to your old antiquities, that, and arts are gonna be the new black; there will only, mostly, be joy.))). (((The base equations for line 1, 0 and minus 1, should be forced calculations on: “truth”+”love”+”the perpetual glorious victory over idiocy, always”; those interested are more than welcome to contact me.)))

However, at current times, a lot of people feels sh*tty in their lives, and that’s ‘cause they don’t honor their hunter.

Honouring your hunter is fundamentally how you achieve your gratitude, and is explained like this:

Your gratitude is individual, and your journey the same: your life is a way for you to discover you, through your gratitude. That is, without being too blunt, what the ultimate conclusion is from the given; life is a gift, to us, and to you, it’s all about gratitude, and, hence, it must be concluded, that we’re given life by and for and to us, in love. There is simply, from the above, no other conclusions: we are love, and eternally loved.

We are everlastingly and eternally loved. Period. This is our lives - the lives we lead - in achieving our gratitude, through honoring our hunter - IS where we find our gratitude: basically, seek your gratitude in everything, by listening to yourself. - You, under the skull you’re confined under, for your whole darned life, must make a friend of yourself. This is done by honouring The Five: your impulses, your dreams, your desires, your sexuality and your hunger. Honor yourself, and you are free, as a friend of yourself.

Honor your hunter, every step of the way.

With that comes integrity, and with that; a term long lost among our current times and creeds; Honour.

If we don’t listen to whom we are, ourselves; the hunter all together, (“where do I find my gratitude in the moment, and over time”) - then we live for the concept of our neighbor’s verdict, and that is so provocatively weak and so dangerous, that it should simply be outlawed. (Which is what we’ll be working on here: optimal form of rule.)

As stated earlier stated earlier, we’re trying to fence ourselves in - achieving - we think, more safety and security, while sacrificing all of our freedom and rights, leaving to loss of all four, building laws.

This procedure is, truly, as devastating as it is; dangerous, insane, crippling, scary and sad, and, basically, it’s a miracle, that we’ve even been able to procreate up to this point, simply because of genetic decomposition, which, in brackets, is seen everywhere, for those with eyes to see at least.

No, we need something else, and to do something else, so here it is: The Rosa Conciliae, AKA Rosenråd, Woe-councils, or Ether-councils, take your pick.

The Rosa Conciliae, is the only way, we will ever solve our problems hence forth, and ever make sure, our time here - for the next 8-9 billion years, our Sun can sustain life on Earth- is worth a damn - and the only way will survive the next 50 of them as well.

Again, the universe is dynamic and ever-changing on its own accord. No every one day is the same, nor is every single situation, that we try to fend ourselves from, and with, through laws.

Looking at it in this light, we gotta conclude the obvious: not only is the jurisdictional system a mockery, the same goes for any government at current times, and most of those we know or knew of.

In leiu of that, Ladies and gentleman, I bring you the beginning of the beginning, and the beginning and the dawn of the new man, The New World Order, and our only hope: Techno-theocracy.

Read up! :)


3. In a dynamical universe, dogma, doctrines, rules and laws are = ..?
1. Do your best; tomorrow comes.
2. You fight, armed, till everyone and everything is represented through Rosa Conciliae.


A pyramid of boards, 11 members in each, and 12’th (or more) representing, from a board higher in the hierarchy of boards, the current. Pyramids of boards, up to government, who works to heal society, and solve problems of and for the community of the world: by listening.


3. You listen, and you solve problems. Experiment with types of people, but you will find, that the highest of our current belongs at the bottom beneath our lowest, today. - Bring in listeners and people-persons, healers, magi, geniiae of all sorts, make them listen, and solve your problems accordingly. - Listen, and do your best. - No case is ever the same, no circumstances are ditto, what is right for one, is not right for someone else. - Vengeance? If it is the best you can do, then yes, but then YOU(the offended) carry it out.

Bottom line, you are free to be here, but so is everyone else; you are an aspect of LOVE, giving love to love self, out of love, endlessly (over eternity, even you, will grow to be hunter, and a pedo/predator.) also for you; you are allowed to be here, but if you take from someone elses right to be so, please pray about it; say grace, ask for a good hunt, as thou kill, live free, and grow(Muslim’s got the prayer right, but the address is the sunrise, not the stone - a tomb is a grave, the grace of the dawn and HER forgiveness is new, every day.). - You are allowed to be here, but so is everyone else; the task of Rosa Conciliae is to listen, solving problems, and make sure, that the freedom for everyone, under LOVE is total.

Nothing more, nothing less.

(regarding pedophilia; in this world, you mostly get what you need, but, through prayer, most of what you want. - Love has NOTHING to do with Hollywood, and a man - which it is all about - must be milked. Be free, follow your gratitude, your hunter, and listen to, from under the confinement that skull you’re born under, and from which you will live your entire existence; what makes you grateful, and let nothing stand in the path of it, except if it makes you grateful to do so.) - LOVE is grand; and there can be no forrests without hunters, there can be no prey without hunters, there can be no balance, without hunters; to the deer, to the wolf, so the man; there is only freedom, under nature and love. Important notice: when/if people want’s more than they can have, have you then, truly, been listening? Basically; there are no rights and wrongs, no dogma or rules to lean on; there is only gratitude, and your way to it. As such, when you don’t find the door inviting, then you don’t come in. But, when someone wants that damned door opened, you burn the world down to help him. Period. Punishment: when the last sigh of relief has been breathed, then there is no more need for punishment, is there?

1. Tomorrow comes. Of all our certainties, we only can rest sure about one fucking thing only: tomorrow comes. - The Only. Fucking. Thing. We. Can. Ever. Be. 100%. Sure. Of. Is. That. Tomorrow. Comes. - Everything else is guessing, paranoia and weakness.
In lieu of that, there’s only one thing to do: approach everything with honor, grace, and graceful forgiveness, in the extend, that most of what we’re dealing with in society, is a course of forgetting the divine words of Jesus (I had the profound pleasure of meeting him during some deep meditations), who said: “Shit happens.”. Aka the most profound lecture of time, is time itself, who says: “It was yesterday..?”. Deal with today, tomorrow, lifespan and eternity - don’t look back; yesterday was yesterday: It. Is. Not. Coming.back., and, in and through that, embrace the present: life as it’s meant to be: soulrushing freedom!

An important equation: today/the present, tomorrow(as a concept of time), lifespan,~eternity/eternity, plus; yesterday(as a concept of time, in relation to the previous).

2. People are morons, but the light and Rosa Conciliae belongs to everyone. Once you’ve found it’s wisdom, you fight for it, armed, till everyone is represented through it: liberty is your birthright. (Americans, this is what your 4’th amendment is for.).

In leiu of another natural law, not yet officially defined; “people share what they got, of pains and pleasures”,we can conclude, that the greater the woe, the greater the need for aid. So, fill on. - In regards, there are three stances: grooming, fleeing or fighting - we are, we confirm one another, to share our gratitude, or levels of it, we flee, to remain being able to share and be grateful, we fight for the same, or to eat or destroy that which harms/is useful to us = negativity = sex.

Sex is killing. - In a dynamical universe, there will always be conflicting interests, so, in lieu of sex being our outlet for negativity, also - so that, too, is joy(and so we don't chop the heads ofa one another, but get an outlet for the killer via intercourse -look at slugs and their spears), then the equation is not; “fuck me like you hate me”, but, “Fuck me like you’re going to kill me if I don’t do as you say”, she says, inviting or not, taming her, and releasing the beast/killer for him = pleasure = gratitude.

In regards: women shouldn't be heard in much, unless accompanied by a beloved, and/or by being sperm-containers, pardon me; a man must be milked, women are EQUAL under love; in that they, like men, deserves LOVE equally, but we are different; men are strong one way, women another. Leave the slime, the cooking, the care, the cock and the children to the women, and leave the hunt, the kill and the rule mostly to men; men are killers (and have the cock) and must be, to be, otherwise we are lost in suffocating compassion and slow death of genders and society, where men would *ahem* be loosers to the weaker feminine. A solution never satisfying, and leading to nothing but imbalance of proportions, leaving us fundamentally degenerated: Hollywood, has ze-ro to do with love, neither does feminism_; but death has everything to do with our gratitude, our freedom and our soulrushing joy: perspective. It was not me today, thank you!.

Incarceration might be prudent at times - we are deemed to think - but in all honesty; those who asks for love in the most unloving of ways, are those who needs it the most: - The equation is the same as always: listen.

If you find a pedo or rapist-killer, do your best; but why spend time with people you don’t like? - No individual case is the same - there’s always a personal story to any Woe, so no rules, as you now know, can ever be made. - Preceding verdicts of councils may be used, prolly in small handbook, but it is imperative to know, that the highest order of the Rosa Conciliae, is to secure our home, Planet Earth for all ~eternity, so that we have a place to live, on, and in freedom, hence forth. That means obstructing the personal rights of another individual in no way. But also understanding, that :

A) a Woecouncil speaks for society, and your clan, and

B) that any decision of a woecouncil must be able to be brought higher up in the pyramid for appeal, if the verdict cannot be approved by the Woe'd.

- I’d say, that executions/punishments, always carried out by the offended, must be approved by the top-rule, but even that is an X-factor: do your best.

With this, comes new times, total freedom and a home, here on Planet Earth, that we might, actually, enjoy, for almost all times.

A note of advice: leave all cultural dogma at the door: everything you know, in this time, is mostly wrong. - Approach a role in the council by the basic, if not divine decree: we are here to listen. - Honour your hunter, and set your self free, by, as Goethe said: memento mori, and the nosce te ipsum - remember, that you will die, and; know (and love) thine self; honour your hunter, find your gratitudes.

I implore you to build these councils, everywhere, and to save our planet through them, on tax, I’d say 33% for all entities - till we can enroll Ceto’s, and recollect, that money is theft of mother nature; her resources, your time = bondage and slavery. - And talk to Nina Nymann, World Gov, about how to save this planet, she is one of the few who can do so; knowledge is power: we must have sustainability.


Lastly, as per above: the meaning of life is to (hunt, and) love it; tomorrow comes - the first moment was an unknown, and the highest emotion gratitude; honour your hunter, it’s where your gratitude peaks: tomorrow comes. (And remember, your morals are adaptable/relative to your mights what is right for YOU, is not right for someone else.)

Live well, brethren and sisters of the New World Order, and love each other silly. - Once we get to it, the fire feasts, also celebrating a woecouncil, and life, you will know, that HER grace is eternal, and HER gifts the same.

Now go try it, the method applies to all communities, do your best, listen, and, once ready, revolt, and get busy saving our planet,

For the sake of pure living.

With the highest regard

Simon Gustav Rosenkilde


PS. Simon’s razor might intrigue thee: Philosophy is dead, in that it is the logical attempt to define laws around physics, that defies the purpose of doing so; we simply cannot apply philosophy to anything and make it worth our while, in that we, ourselves, are ever changing and dynamical, while we - again in our pursuit for safety and security - attempts to find laws, that does not, in effect, do anything for us. We cannot try to frame the construction of the.. If you will, rule, that’d let us predict the football match, prior to it’s play. - It can’t be done, and, as is obvious, the attempt would be fruitless - the game is FUN, however, because we don’t know what will happen. (I. E. Logic will never tell you how you feel. - As a beautiful woman once said to me; why do we learn everything about what goes on around us, and nothing about what goes on inside of us..? - Nosche te ipsum)

PS. (Without going deeper into this, you are simply water/LOVE discovering self, through your ditto, and no, I won’t go deeper into that, at least here, but I sincerely ask, that you stop producing microwave ovens, and that you dodo on the ground, not in the water; SHE has, literally, asked me to put this forward to you, so, if you can use the most, use it all in this .doc; SHE, or HUE’ - as we call both gender’s in one in the divine - is US, and SHE only wants to give, so kindly don’t shit on HER.)

PS. As you will know later, I have, in my repertoire, the cure for cancer. I'll enlighten more on this, along with a healthy perspective to psychiatry, and public schooling along with senior-aid, soon. I need to get heard, so call me.

PS. (([Edit*]: We’ve been working, here in the realms of the living and dead, with the equation, “Woe prayer”, which I’d like to recite to thee here: “Woe me, walk with me, help me, heal me and aid me til I no longer walk alone”. - This is for yourself, or for anyone you’d like brought to a council. Thank you.))

PS. By the way, fear not: in dynamical universe, there will always be conflicting interests, so know, that you are allowed to be here, this is your right, and your gift - even for you, vegetarians, you omniconfused feckheads - but life is a gift; embrace it by accepting this, and relishing in it, and say grace when you feel like it; Mother loves us. Period; you are allowed to be here.